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Jen Russell, a defender on gold medal-winning U.S. World Cup teams in 2013 and 2017, shared two keys to executing the high-pressure defense that became a hallmark under former coach Ricky Fried: body positioning and footwork.

Get those fundamentals down, she said, “and then opportunities will naturally present themselves for takeaways, forced passes and shots, and clean checks.”

The Back Check

  1. Take position. Get on the same side as the attacker’s stick.

  2. Note where you are on the field. If you are in the scoring area, prepare for a back check, knowing the attacker likely will shoot or pass.

  3. Watch the opponent. Once she begins to rotate her body and pull her hands back, shift your focus to the head of her stick.

  4. Position your hands on the stick depending on your proximity to the attacker. If trailing and unable to get close enough to choke up, place your hands lower on the shaft to extend your reach.

  5. Maintain control. Aim to hit the side of the head of the attacker’s stick.

  6. Box out and run through the dislodged ball.