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Day 23. 10 down, two to go. 

I’m writing this from my dorm room in Wrocław, Poland. We’ve been here for a couple of days now and had our second game this morning. For those wondering, Wroclaw is impossible to pronounce, but if you want to try, it’s something like rod-slav.

The World Games have been a great experience, not only competing, but also as spectators of the other athletes and sports that are here. Since arriving, we’ve been able to watch some very cool sports such as waterskiing and canoe polo. If you’re interested, check out the World Games website for the full list of sports, as there are plenty of interesting ones that I have never heard of.

Today marked our 10th game of our trip, including the World Cup and World Games. It hasn’t come easy, and the team is starting to get tired, but we continue to push through. It’s an incredible honor to be over here representing our country and especially here at the World Games, where we are exposing the world to the game of lacrosse in the hopes of some day competing in the Olympics.

Speaking of today, we got up fairly early around 6:30 a.m. After our team breakfast, we loaded the bus and headed to the field for our game at 10 a.m. We played Great Britain – a combination of the England, Scotland, and Wales teams we played in the World Cup – in a back-and-forth game and ended up winning 14-6.

Following the game, we headed back to the dining hall for lunch – turkey, vegetables, and potatoes. The rest of the day was spent relaxing. Several of us went to Starbucks for a taste of home (not to mention the much-needed caffeine boost) and coincidentally our Flat 3 Heart & Soul Crew ended up spending a couple of hours sitting there talking amongst ourselves and some locals.  

After showering and getting some down time, the team boarded the trams and headed to Market Square for dinner. Marie [McCool] was on a mission to find Mexican food, but somehow we ended up in the basement of an Italian restaurant. It was as if we had our own private party down there. 

You would think after so much time together we would be running out of things to talk about, but there is never a dull moment with this group. It was Kelly [Rabil]’s idea to go around the table and say our full names, date of birth, and the first meal we are going to eat when we get back to the states. My first stop is going to be the Beach Plum for a 10-ounce lobster roll. 

After dinner, we stopped at a gelato stand for an after-dinner treat. Since we do not understand their language and cannot read the types of flavors, we all had our fair share of samples before ordering. I decided to go with a scoop of Snickers, which did not disappoint! After gelato, we headed back to the dorms to wind down before bed. It will be an early night as we play Great Britain tomorrow at 10 a.m. Groundhog day (Thanks Kel)!

It’s hard to capture how amazing this trip has been in a short blog, but we’re having the time of our lives over here and I can’t believe it’s coming to an end this week! I look forward to the coming days and our final games of the trip. 

Make sure to follow along as Taylor [Cummings] will be submitting her blog next! 

– Becca Block
(Twitter: @Becca_Block, Instagram: @rablock, Snapchat: @rablock)

Player Profile


Years with the U.S. Program: 5
U.S. Senior World Cup Teams: 2017 (Gold)
Position: Defense
College: Syracuse 2013
Honors: IWLCA First Team All-American (2012-13), IWLCA Defender of the Year (2013), Big East Defender of the Year (2013) 
Hometown: Stratham, N.H.
Current Residence: Eugene, Ore.
Current Career: Oregon Assistant

What does playing for Team USA mean to you?

It is such an honor to get to represent our country at the highest level and wear USA across our chest.  It is truly a dream come true to get to play with and against the best players in the world.

When did you start playing lacrosse?

My mom bought me my first stick around third or fourth grade, but I didn't really start playing competitively until middle school. Lacrosse was not very big in New Hampshire at the time – and it's still growing – so there were not many opportunities to play.

What other sports did you play in high school?

Soccer and basketball.

What is one thing that always puts you in a good mood?

Food. I get very hangry.

What is your go-to pregame meal?

PB&J with a banana.

What is one thing you can't live without?

Chocolate. I have a huge sweet tooth and need chocolate after every meal.

What is something that most people don't know about you?

I have an identical twin sister (Linley Block, Syracuse 2013).

Is there one person who helped you the most to get to where you are today?

My twin sister, Linley. Growing up, everything was a competition and she pushed me to get better even when I didn't feel like it. Now she is my biggest fan. 

What is the most adventurous thing you've ever done?

Driving across the country with no plan at all. My sister and I drove from Florida to Oregon.

What advice would you give young players who dream to reach your level?

Always believe in yourself. Hard work pays off, but you have to enjoy the process.

Follow the U.S. women's national team as it competes for gold in the 2017 Federation of International Lacrosse Women's World Cup in Guildford, England, and the 2017 IWGA World Games in Wroclaw, Poland. This "Mission Log" will continue throughout both events with each player providing insight on their journey.