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This article appears in the November edition of USA Lacrosse Magazine. Join our momentum.

“Take Me Back” connects today’s lacrosse stars with the next generation of players from their hometowns.

This month, Caitlin Barnes, a member of the Long Island Yellow Jackets in the class of 2026, interviews U.S. women’s national team gold medalist Kylie Ohlmiller, whose own experiences growing up in Islip, N.Y., helped prepare her for Stony Brook and beyond. Barnes, who is also from Islip and passes Ohlmiller’s jersey every day in the halls of Islip High School, hopes to follow the same path Ohlmiller took to stardom.

CAITLIN: What was it like being in high school in a small community?

KYLIE: It’s really cool and unique that we were able to have that small town feeling, especially around sports.

CAITLIN: What was it like transitioning to college?

KYLIE: Most of my high school years were spent worrying about where I’d go to college, but it was cool to be able to finally say I’m going to Stony Brook and staying on Long Island. Being at a smaller school, you learn how to make really meaningful relationships. And those people tended to be my teammates.

CAITLIN: Why No. 17?

KYLIE: My dad told me he wore it playing sports when he was growing up. Now we have matching tattoos of No. 17.

CAITLIN: Playing for the U.S. and winning it all. What was that like?

KYLIE: I’m not going to lie, I never really thought it would happen. Coming from Islip, I didn’t have any idea what my future would hold. But it was incredible. It was a dream.

CAITLIN: I walk past your jersey every day in the hallway.

KYLIE: Oh, yeah, my friends make fun of me for that.


KYLIE: It’s just a nice little inside joke. Give it a little high-five for me next time.

CAITLIN: I will! If you weren’t playing lacrosse, what would you be doing?

KYLIE: I never really saw all this happening, like where I’m at with my career right now, so I originally went to school for health science.

CAITLIN: What’s it been like growing the business?

KYLIE: It was another shot in the dark. It was formed out of my love for working with one individual and seeing her eyes light up. I loved the developmental piece of it. Being able to pass on those experience has just been awesome.

CAITLIN: And I was told you like surfing?

KYLIE: Yeah, I was just going to ask about your surfboard! When did you start?

CAITLIN: Maybe five years ago? I’m still not great.

KYLIE: See, neither am I, and this has always been one of my favorite fun facts. I can surf. And I think that’s good in itself. It’s so hard.

CAITLIN: I went out a few times this summer, but lacrosse took up much of my time.

KYLIE: How was lacrosse this summer?

CAITLIN: It was good. Nationals was so much fun. What’s it been like playing in the pro league?

KYLIE: As I was graduating, pro women’s lacrosse was becoming a thing. To see it go from where it was, Athletes Unlimited has done an awesome job. It’s a unique experience, a ton of fun to see the sport played at that level.

CAITLIN: What was your favorite team to play against in college?

KYLIE: We had a good back and forth — it wasn’t really a rivalry, but every time we played it was a good game — with Northwestern. It’s very similar styles of lacrosse.

CAITLIN: What’s your favorite pregame song?

KYLIE: “Centuries” by Fall Out Boy. It was my goal song at Stony Brook. It’s nostalgic.

CAITLIN: Why’d you pick it?

KYLIE: It had just come out when I was a freshman. I liked that it wasn’t your usual hype-up hip-hop song.

CAITLIN: I’m so superstitious that I can’t listen to music before I warm up.

KYLIE: Really? What are your superstitions? What’s your zone?

CAITLIN: Wall ball. I have to be focused. I cannot be thinking of anything else.

KYLIE: I like that. And you’re warming up the stick.

CAITLIN: And I always have to wear low socks. If they’re high socks, I can’t do it. They’re so uncomfortable.

KYLIE: I like that that’s your preference. It speaks to your style. That’s important. That’s why I wear the eye black. It’s all superstition. Wow. When was the last time you interviewed someone?


KYLIE: Really? Well, this was awesome. If you ever need anything, you can always reach out. We can get out on the field sometime soon, too.

CAITLIN: Thank you!