2025 Rule Changes for Boys' High School, Youth Lacrosse
The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) and USA Lacrosse collaborate annually on boys’ rules changes and have identified changes and points of emphasis that will be effective for the 2025 youth and high school seasons.
The bulk of the changes made by the rules committee this year were minor, pertaining mainly to language adjustments for certain rules with the aim of removing ambiguity and making the language more precise. Several of the adjustments pertained to rules governing the proper wearing of equipment and player safety.
Rule 1-9-1a was clarified to state that the chin strap on the helmet is to be worn “on” the chin rather than “under” the chin.
Rule 4-3-1 was returned to previous language to ensure clarity regarding facing off at the start of a period. The rule establishes that faceoffs be held at the center of the field to start a period or following a goal, with four infraction-related exceptions noted that can nullify the ensuing faceoff and award possession to the non-offending team.
Rule 4-16 was rewritten for clarity regarding checking with the crosse, outlining the three instances where a player can use his crosse for a legal check to an opponent’s crosse.
Rule 4-24-7 was edited so that a whistle shall be blown on the loss of any mandatory equipment in the scrimmage area. The committee has also defined the scrimmage area as 5 yards in any direction of the ball or part of active play.
Rule 5-4-5 now distinguishes intentional verses unintentional checks involving the head or neck.
Rule 7-8-3 was adjusted so that a “slow whistle technique” will be implemented on a personal foul during a pass or shot. This change aligns the rulebook to reflect how these situations are already being officiated on the field.
Rule 7-13-3 was clarified on how the restart will take place in the event of an inadvertent whistle before a faceoff has ended. This now conforms to other situations as to when a reface will take place.
The use of eyeshade once again headlines the 2025 Points of Emphasis, along with properly worn mandatory equipment.
Other Points of Emphasis for the upcoming season are the newly defined scrimmage area, unintentional vs intentional checks involving the head/neck, and an updated field diagram which clearly defines the Coaches Area and Team Area.
A complete listing of the boys’ high school lacrosse rules changes are available on this USA Lacrosse Rules Interp document and on the NFHS website.
Questions about boys’ rule changes can be submitted via email to boysrules@usalacrosse.com.
USA Lacrosse Staff
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