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Mental Health Awareness

Mental health is important in all aspects of life, and athletics is no exception

We know that good mental health can help athletes to perform at their best, but we also know that when athletes struggle with mental health, it can negatively impact performance. Fortunately, there have been big strides made in mental health awareness among athletes in recent years, but there is more work to be done.  
>> 5 Ways Physical Health Impacts Mental Health  
>> How to Help Athletes Cope With Anxiety Around Tryouts
>> Recognizing the Signs That May Require Help

The most recent USA Lacrosse Sports Medicine Symposium, hosted by the Center for Sports Science & Safety and presented by MedStar Health, focused entirely on athlete mental health and wellness, with nationally recognized mental health experts and clinicians serving as presenters. You can watch the full presentation for each session via the links below.

Prevalence, Screening, and Identifiers of Mental Health  
 Dr. Andrew Wolanin, Psy.D
Building Psychological Resilience  
 Dr. Kimberly O'Brien, Ph.D.
Mental Health Approaches During Injury Rehab  
 Dr. Shelby Baez, Ph.D.
Mental Wellbeing Within Culturally Diverse Settings  
 Dr. Stephany Coakley, Ph.D.
The Connection Between Injury & Mental Health  
 Dr. Kate Jochimsen, Ph.D.
Culture and Pressures in Lacrosse  
 Dr. Margot Putukian, MD



USA Lacrosse is happy to share the following resources to provide mental health support for members of the lacrosse community and beyond.

>> Lifeline Chat and Text

Lifeline Chat and Text is a service of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline), connecting individuals with crisis counselors for emotional support and other services via web chat or texting 988.

>> 15 For Life

Committed to shedding the shame around needing help and normalizing the conversation around mental health by creating greater awareness.

>> Morgan's Message

Morgan’s Message strives to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health within the student-athlete community and equalize the treatment of physical and mental health in athletics.

>> National Alliance on Mental Illness

NAMI is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

>> National Institute of Mental Health

Transforming the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses.  

Mental Health Webinar for Officials

USA Lacrosse knows that good mental health is just as important for game officials as it is for players and coaches. As part of Mental Health Awareness month, we were pleased to provide a free webinar, 'Finding the Medicine in the Medicine Game' designed to help officials stay mentally healthy. Watch the replay here.

Make Mental Health Matter

With our new "Make Mental Health Matter" special edition retail line, USA Lacrosse strives to help remove the stigma surrounding mental health issues and exhibit to those who are struggling that they are not alone. A portion of the proceeds will go towards the Center for Sports Science & Safety at USA Lacrosse to assist with mental health research and with outreach within the lacrosse community.

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